Healthy Cells are -25 mV

Every cell in the body is being regenerated every day (there is no aging in cell biology). Did you know your entire skin renews ALL cells within 6 weeks? The rods in your eyes renew every 2 days! This process costs energy.

A cell is like a battery and a healthy cell has a negative voltage of at least -25mV.

When the voltage drops below -25mV cell regeneration is no longer possible.

In order to function properly cells constantly need to recharge with negative electrons.

Mr Joo Dong LEE

"When your bio-electricity (negative current) is above -25 mV you don't get sick.

You stay healthy."

Aging and Chronic Diseases

The causes of aging and chronic diseases are abnormal cell functions. When the negative electrons in the cell membrane of the body are discharged below -25 mV and are converted to positive electrons, the cells no longer regenerate, which can lead to aging and chronic diseases.

Root Causes of Aging and Disease

Mr Joo Dong LEE has been intensively exploring cell biology and synthesizing the experimental results to summarize the root causes of aging and human diseases based on the basic theory of cell biology. His findings are;

1. Cells throughout the body are regenerated, maintained, killed and replaced every day. (There is no aging in cell biology).

2. Cells are regenerated when the cell mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) is -50mV or higher for human cell regeneration.

3. Among toxins in the human body, active oxygen (H2O2) destroys DNA, liver, blood, organs, digestive system, etc., and acts as a root cause of blood acidification and cancer.

4. Due to acidification (pH < 7) of blood (white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets) and cell body fluids caused by the accumulation of free radicals and toxins in the body, cells cannot regenerate, leading to aging and chronic diseases.

5. Blood acidification causes blood circulation disorders, peripheral blood vessel blockage, immune system destruction, blockage of oxygen and nutrient supply to cells, loss of cell regeneration function, aging and chronic diseases.

QELBY balls Create EZ Water (H3O2)

Already one minute after QELBY balls are put into water, the hydrogen bonds in the water are being changed and extra negative EZ structure (H3O2) is formed.

EZ water has very high absorption into the body and more than doubles the amount of dissolved oxygen in water, which is most important for cell regeneration.

Negative electrons are thus generated (-50mV to -80mV), converting the water to weak alkali (pH 7.35 - 8.0).


Quantum Energy Living Bodies (QELBY)


QELBY Ceramic Ball is a product made by the mixing of 7 minerals with somatids extracted from natural mineral ore that is baked at 1100°C.

Functional characteristics:

QELBY Ceramic Balls produce EZ water as described by Gerald Pollack in his book “The 4th phase of water” but with a much higher concentration than
any other technique currently available and with additional properties linked to
its infrared and UV radiation.

QELBY Ceramic Balls absorb UV and emit both UV and high density infrared rays, changing tap water (H2O) quickly into powerful EZ water ([H3O2]-) with
negative charge. The new water will have lots of free electrons available for
biological reactions.

QELBY Ceramic Balls have a published record of proven bioactive properties, producing oxygen continuously in water.

See research publications on our website

QELBY Ceramic Balls are highly hydrophilic with a zeta potential of -37.74mV.

In summary, QELBY Ceramic Balls from MorphogeniQ are radiant energy ceramic products of natural origin with long lasting effect that produce unlimited amounts of negatively charged water.

Somatids under the Microscope

Where there is Life you will find Somatids

The somatid is a living particle that is endowed with an intrinsic capacity to change form according to the environment, called polymorphism. Somatids
generate an electro-negative motion, which gives the particles an apparent Brownian motion and other unusual properties.

The somatid in its resistant form is indestructible. When proper conditions
are restored, life’s cycle begins again. Where there is life, there are somatids.

To create QELBY Ceramic balls a mix of selected minerals and somatids is extracted, purified and baked into ceramic radiant balls. Through this process they get water changing properties that differ from common ceramic products.

QELBY Ceramic Balls remain active for years; Their radiating energy interacts with weak hydrogen bonds, thereby releasing oxygen and electrons.

Years of scientific research into this fascinating material still leave scientists
in hot debates.

We deeply encourage you to consult our website to read more about this promising field of research.